How We Bill for Your Service
Your electric service consists of two primary costs.
1) The Facility Charge. This flat monthly charge is the cost of providing you with electricity, regardless of the amount you use. It is the cost of equipment such as poles, lines, transformers, employees, and more.
2) The Electric Charge. This is the amount of kilowatt hours your service used multiplied by the amount charged per your rate for that usage.
See a Detailed Explanation of Your Bill
We offer several different rate classes based on members' needs. Your current rate is listed on the back of your bill above the graph.
You can find PDFs of each of our rates, along with our power cost adjustment schedule and net metering rider, on this page.
Visit our Irrigations Page for additional information on irrigation load control options.
Visit our Distributed Generation Page for details and links to important documents beyond Rate Riders found on this page.
Bright Options Solar is a program offered through PPI to our members to purchase blocks of solar-generated energy at an additional cost.
Rate Sheets PDFs
- Rate 10: Farm & Residential
- Rate 10SNM: Sherman Franchise Net Metered Farm & Residential
- Rate 17: Electric Heat & Geothermal
- Rate 50/51/52: Irrigation
- Rate 20: Commercial Power Service-Demand
- Rate 30: Large Power
- Rate 31: Large Power with Diversity Credit
- Rate 60: Commercial Power Service - No Demand
- Rate 62: Municipal Commercial Service
- Rate 70: Load Management Service
- Rate 81: Generation Station Power
- Schedule OL-1 (Outdoor Light Service [lighting options being updated])